What to post on Facebook to engage personal training clients who are always on the go?

Posted by Manobal Jain on November 3, 2016

Chances are, one of the top complaints you get from your clients is being too busy to add fitness into their life. There are always ways to work around this.

Share these tips with your followers and clients on your Facebook page and show them that no matter what the schedule, fitness is possible.

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1. Don’t Sweat Meal Frequency

Worried about hitting 6 meals a day? Don’t be. Studies illustrate that the most critical factor driving your weight loss success is simply focusing on eating the right foods in the right amount over the course of the 24 hour period. Whether this means two meals, three meals, or six meals – you’ll see similar results.

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2. You don’t get the ass you want by sitting on it.

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3. Wake Up And Do 10

Rather than putting your workout off until you get home from work, squeeze a workout in first thing in the morning. Get up and do 10 reps each of squats, push-ups, walking lunges, chair dips, and sit-ups. It’s a great way to start your day with a boost.

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4. Blah Blah Blah - NO EXCUSES.

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5. Keep Healthy Protein Bars In Your Car At All Times

Low sugar protein bars are a great option for a quick snack on the go. While these shouldn’t replace wholesome meals all the time, on occasion, they can be a great way to get in the nutrition that your body needs.

Stash them in your purse, car, or briefcase so you are never without proper nourishment. When shopping for protein bars, look for ones that contain fewer than 7 grams of sugar per 200 calorie serving.

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6. Try Tabata Training

If you are at a higher fitness level already, tabata training might be a great option for you. This time saving workout is just four minutes long and involves intervals of 20 seconds in length with active rest periods of 10 seconds in length. Alternate between them until 8 intervals have been completed. Remember to push yourself to the limit. You are only doing 160 seconds of work total, but you need to make those 160 seconds count.

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7. Use The Timer On Your Desk Trick

Sitting for 8 hours straight is one of the worst things you can do for your health, so find a way around this. Set a timer to go off on your desk and every hour, get up and move around for at least five minutes. By the end of the workday, you’ll have accumulated 40 minutes of physical activity. It all adds up! Try walking to talk to your co-worker, get up and go to the bathroom on another floor, or walk to the copying machine instead of doing so right at your desk.

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8. Don’t Be Greedy With Your Health Goals

When you’re making a lifestyle change, it is very easy to get carried away and commit to too many goals. This, however, adds stress to our lives, and increases the likelihood of not following through.

Consequently, try committing to a small measurable goal. Then, once you achieve this goal and make it a habit, add another small goal to your list.

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9. Always Squat

When you do finally get yourself into the gym, make sure that squats are in the picture. Of all the exercises you could be doing, this is one of the most beneficial and a must-have in your workout program. You’ll hit just about every muscle group in the body with this one move, reducing the need to perform a number of other exercises.

10 sets of 10 squats for example will provide a full lower body workout and if you push yourself hard, you won’t need to do anything else.

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10. Drop Set For Added Intensity

To save time in the gym, try drop sets. Do one set at your normal weight, and then immediately drop the weight by 5-10 pounds. Do another set at that weight and then drop the weight a second time. Perform a third set without taking any rest and that’ll finish you off. This saves time as now you only have to do this one protocol, rather than three individual sets.

Do this for up to two or three exercises per workout session.

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11. Invest In A Pedometer/Fitness Tracker

Sometimes the best way to keep motivated is to become more self-aware. Wearing a pedometer as you go about your day can help. When you see just how many steps you’re taking, it may inspire you to move more. Set a daily target to hit and do your very best to meet it each and every day.

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12. Slow Cook

Start making use of the slow cooker. This is a fast and incredibly healthy way to prepare you food and best of all, it’ll be ready when you step in the door after work. Toss chicken breasts, diced vegetables, canned tomatoes, and some fresh herbs and spices into the slow cooker and set it to low as you go off to work.

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13. Pack Your Shoes

Start taking your running shoes with you to work each and every day. You never know when you’ll get the urge or invite from a co-worker for a quick brisk noon-walk and this can help you fit fitness into your workday, freeing up your evenings for family and social engagements. If you aren’t prepared, it’ll never be an option.

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