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How to Get People to Comment on Your Personal Trainer Blog
Without blog comments your personal trainer blog is a magazine at best. At worst, it’s just you, sort of shouting your message to the world. Boost Your Client Retention with Trainerfu– Sta...
4 Quick Tips to Create a Great Landing Page for Your Personal Training Website
Last week I spent a little bit of time talking to you about how a landing page can help you market your business. As promised, this week I’m going to spend a little bit of time talking to you about...
Is Pay Per Click a Good Investment for Your Personal Training Business?
When you are just getting started with marketing your personal trainer business online it can be a bit tough. For the first couple of months it might feel like absolutely nothing is happening. ...
4 Quick Ways to Find Local Clients on Twitter
Over the past several articles we’ve talked about going local on Facebook and going local on Google+. Twitter is the third social network that most personal trainers should be using to market their...
How to Find Local Clients on Facebook in 2025: A Step-by-Step Guide
As we’ve been discussing here on this blog, marketing your personal training business is all about capturing local internet traffic. This is just as true on social media outlets as it is on your bl...
How to Stop Your Good Reviews from Disappearing
So you’ve been diligently gathering up reviews as part of the marketing plan that’s propelling your personal training business to the top of Google’s search results. Boost Your Client Rete...
How to Market Your Personal Training Business on Google Plus
When you claim your Google Local listing you will also receive a Google+ social media page. That is because Google Local is integrated with Google+. This is actually a huge advantage, because it m...
How to Market Your Personal Training Business to Your Entire Service Area.
Last week I talked about claiming your local listings so that you can market your personal trainer business to people who are close enough to use it. However, my advice only allowed you to target a...
Using Citations to Market Your Personal Training Business Online.
Last time I talked to you about claiming your local listings so that you could get even more visible to people in your own city who are actually capable of doing business with you. Today, I want to...